学术报告20230927:Mix-training physics-informed neural networks for the rogue waves of nonlinear Schrödinger equation

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报告题目:Mix-training physics-informed neural networks for the rogue waves of nonlinear Schrödinger equation


报告摘要:In thispaper,we propose mix-training physics-informed neural networks (PINNs). This is a deep learning model with more approximation ability based on PINNs, combined with mixed training and prior information. We demonstrate the advantages of this model by exploring rogue waves with rich dynamic behavior in the nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) equation. Compared with the original PINNs, numerical resultsshow that this model can not only quickly recover the dynamical behavior of the rogue waves of NLS equation, but also improve its approximation ability and absolute error accuracy significantly, and the prediction accuracy has been improved by two tothree ordersof magnitude. In particular, when the space–time domain of the solution expands, or the solution has a local sharp region, the proposed model still hashighprediction accuracy.






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版权所有:内蒙古大学数学科学学院     蒙ICP16002391号-1