学术报告20240628:Analysis and Geometry of Symmetric and Locally Symmetric Spaces

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报告题目:Analysis and Geometry of Symmetric and Locally Symmetric Spaces

报告专家:Prof.Genkai Zhang Chalmers University of Technology and Gothenburg University, Sweden

专家简介:张根凯,瑞典Chalmers University of Technology和Gothenburg University数学系教授。1983年本科毕业于内蒙古大学数学系,1991年博士毕业于瑞典Stockholm大学。1992-1995年于丹麦Odense大学从事博士后研究工作,任澳大利亚悉尼New South Wales大学副研究员。2001获瑞典数学会的Wallenberg奖。张教授长期从事有界对称域上的复分析和调和分析,李群表示论和函数空间上的Hankel算子等多个领域的研究,并做出了多项具有重要国际影响的研究工作,其研究成果发表在Duke Math. J.,Adv. Math.,Math. Ann.,J. Funct. Analysis,Int. Math. Res. Notices等国际一流数学刊物上。

报告摘要:Symmetries appear everywhere in nature and in mathematics. One fundamental mathematical tool to study symmetries is the concept ofgroup. Geometric objects with lot of symmetries, such as circles, spheres and planes, are calledsymmetric spaces, and those with local symmetries arelocally symmetric spaces, e.g. a torus (a bike tyre) and a donut with arbitrary number of holes. The set of all symmetries forms aLie group. I shall present some basic theories aboutgeometry of symmetric spacesand introduce some important research questions related toanalysis on symmetric spaces and representations of Lie groups.






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