姓名:杨红丽 |

职称:教授(硕导) |
部门:应用数学系 |
研究方向:非线性动力学,生物数学,系统生物学 |
邮箱:imuyhl@imu.edu.cn |
(1) Danni Wang, Hongli Yang*, Liangui Yang. Chaos and bifurcation analysis of tumor-immune controlled system with time delay, Alexandria Engineering Journal, 2025, 119: 267-284.
(2) Danni Wang, Nan Liu, Hongli Yang*, Liangui Yang. Bifurcation analysis and control on the delayed gene regulatory models, Physica A, 2025, 659: 130329.
(3) Hongli Yang, Ruimin Huo, Nan Liu*, Liangui Yang. Stability and bifurcation analysis of a simple delayed p53-Mdm2 gene network model with diffusion, Journal of Biological Systems, 2024, 32(3): 1225-1243.
(4) Danni Wang, Hongli Yang*, Liangui Yang. Stability and Hopf bifurcation analysis of a fractional-order p53 multiple time delays model under PDα control, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2024, 112: 5663-5686.
(5) Nan Liu, Hongli Yang*, Liangui Yang. Delay induced Hopf bifurcation and its control in a fractional p53 protein oscillator model, Physica D, 2024, 467: 134281.
(6) Nan Liu, Hongli Yang*, Liangui Yang. Hopf bifurcations in an atypical p53 protein oscillator model with discrete delay or distributed delay, Results in Physics, 2024, 56: 107284.
(7) Ruimin Huo, Nan Liu, Hongli Yang*, Liangui Yang. Kinetic analysis of p53 gene network with time delays and PIDD, International Journal of Biomathematics, 2023, 2350024.
(8) Hongli Yang, Ruimin Huo, Nan Liu*, Liangui Yang. Dynamical analysis of a delayed p53 oscillator model with p53-Mdm2 positive feedback, Results in Physics, 2022, 40: 105856.
(9) Hongli Yang, Nan Liu* and Liangui Yang. Influence of Mdm2-mediated positive feedback loop on the oscillation behavior of p53 gene network, Acta Physica Sinica, 2021, 70(13): 138701.
(10) Nan Liu, Hongli Yang*, Liangui Yang. Dual roles of SIRT1 in the BAX switch through the P53 module: A mathematical modeling study, Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 2021, 19: 5578-5588.