学术报告20240607:Some investigations of idempotents and projections on Hilbert C*-modules

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报告题目:Some investigations of idempotents and projections on Hilbert C*-modules

报告人:许庆祥 上海师范大学教授、博士生导师

报告人简介:许庆祥,1985年至1989年本科就读于浙江师范大学数学系,1989年至1995年研究生就读于复旦大学数学研究所,师从严绍宗教授和陈晓漫教授。1995年到上海师范大学数学系工作至今。主要从事算子代数/算子理论以及数值代数方面的研究工作,在离散群上的Toeplitz算子代数, Hilbert C*-模和算子广义逆方面做出了一些有特色的研究工作,主要结果发表于SIAM J. Numer. Anal., SIAM. J. Matrix Anal. Appl.,SIAM J. Math. Anal., J. London Math. Soc., J. Operator Theory和Banach J. Math. Anal.等期刊上。目前担任期刊Advances in Operator Theory的编委。

报告摘要:For each adjointable idempotent Q on a Hilbert C*-module, a specific projection m(Q) called the matched pro-jection of Q can be introduced due to the characterization of the minimum value among all the distances from projections to Q. Inspired by the relationship between m(Q) and Q, another term called the quasi-projection pair (P,Q) can also be introduced, where P is a projection with Q*=(2P-I)Q(2P-I).In this talk, we will present some well-behaved properties of the matched projection, together with some detailed descriptions of the quasi-projection pairs. Two applications concerning the common similarity of operators and a norm equation associated with the Friedrichs angle will also be talked about.






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